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Its Time To Free America | Proven COVID-19 Treatments & Therapies

Proven COVID-19 Therapies / Treatments:


Visit the following websites to find doctors who are successfully and affordably treating COVID-19 patients:

Helpful Resources:


Learn the process for getting the life-saving COVID-19 treatments to your friends and family



All but one patient (99.6%; n = 236/237) treated with HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without high-dose IV vitamin C (IVC) fully recovered.


Budesonide (Common FDA Approved Asthma Treatment Reduces Need for Hospitalisation for COVID-19) –


“If you take ivermectin for COVID-19 you will not get sick.” | 100% Effective COVID-19 Treatments –


Doctor Richard Bartlett (MD) Has Successfully Treated 1,000+ COVID-19 Patients with 0 Deaths
1. Watch His Newsmax Interview:
2. Read His Case Study –

Who Is Doctor Richard Bartlett (Medical Doctor)?

Doctor Bartlett is a former top medical advisor for Texas Governor Rick Perry (for seven consecutive years).
Recent Interviews:
– Newsmax Interview:
– One America News:

Common Affordable and FDA Approved Asthma Drug Cuts COVID-19 Hospitalization Risk and Recovery Time – Read Oxford Study –

Conclusion: Ivermectin, an FDA-approved, safe, cheap and widely available drug, should be subjected to large-scale trials all over the world to ascertain its effectiveness as pre-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19.

Thrivetime Show Extended Interview “Who Is Lying? Dr. Fauci or Dr. Scott Atlas? Why Nobody Should Be Afraid of COVID-19”


Read Doctor Bartlett’s Case Study:
In 90 Seconds He Can Succinctly Explain:
– His protocol has been used to treat 1,000 patients with 0 deaths.
– His treatment protocol costs less money than the COVID-19 tests.
– The President is correct and nobody should be afraid of COVID-19.


WATCH – President Donald J. Trump Used Regeneron and Eli Lilly COVID-19 Treatments to Successfully Beat COVID-19 –


Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases –


WATCH – Doctor Richard Bartlett Has Treated 1,000+ COVID-19 Patients with 0 Deaths (Interview On Chicago’s AM560 Morning Answer Radio Show) –

FDA Seeks to Stop the Use of Budesonide Drug That Has Successfully Used to Treat Thousands of COVID-19 Patients –

Nebulized budesonide improved oxygenation, peak, and plateau airway pressures and significantly reduced inflammatory markers (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) without affecting hemodynamics. –

WATCH – Budesonide Success Stories –

WATCH – The Brenda Jones Success Story –

Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for CoVID-19 – Jim Meehan, MD –

Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing –

Doctors cure 6,000 patients with Covid-19 with Ivermectin –

COVID-19 cure already discovered? Ivermectin ‘can end this pandemic’ –

Why Does the Centers for Disease Control Have Zombie Pandemic Preparedness Content On Its Website?

Does the Supreme Court Believe That You Still Have Human Rights After Your RNA Has Been Modified? –

Why Is the American Medical Association Taking Aim at Physicians Who Share the Truth About the Treatability of COVID-19? –

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Featured Current / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kim Clement's Daughter (Donné Clement Petruska), Dr. Zelenko, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Sean Feucht, Mel K, Dr. Jane Ruby, Charlie Kirk, Roger Stone, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Lance Walnau, Comedian Jim Breuer, & Mike Lindell, etc.

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