Cover Great Reset Vs Great AwakeningThe Great Reset Agenda Explained


See the Patents that Prove Their Plan

The Great Reset | “”The World Economic Forum Plan for 2030. Your Family Will Eat Zero Amounts of Meat and Zero Amounts of Dairy. Each Person Will Be Restricted to 2,500 Calories a Day. Each Family Member Will Only Received 3 New Items of Clothing Per Year.”” – Glenn Beck

Read the Article Reference by Glenn Beck HERE:


The Self-Proclaimed “Elite” Explain the Great Reset In 17 Minutes (In Their Own Words)


COVID-19 = Certificate of Vaccination ID AI (Surveillance Under the Skin)


The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Ending Human Rights

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Connecting Your Immune System to the Internet

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Completely Restructuring the Global Energy, Food Systems and Supply Chains

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Connecting Your Brain to Computers

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Gene-Editing and Brain Control Weapons to Control Dissent

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Upgrading “The Elites” Into Gods – “We Are In the Process of Turning Ourselves Into Gods and I Mean This In the Most Literal Sense Possible”

The COVID-19 Great Reset InvolvesTurning Humans Into Hackable Animals and Ending Free-Will – “Humans Are Now Hackable Animals. Free Will Is Over.”

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Dramatically Changing Dramatically Changing the Nature of Money and How You Buy and Sell

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Implementing the Transhumanism Agenda

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Turning Humans Into Controlled Cyborgs

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Implementing the New Period of Time Called the Anthropocene (Anthro = Human, Cene = Controlled Gene)

Watch the Full Length Documentary –

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Creating New Religions Will Offer People Happiness, Justice & Eternal Life

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Merging Humans with Artificial Intelligence and Offer Humanity Eternal Life

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Turning Humans Into Hackable Animals

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Upgrading “The Elites” Into Gods and Downgrading Humans Into “The Useless Class”

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Re-Engineering a New Body Down the Level of DNA

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Installing a Worldwide Digital Dictatorship That Follows All of the Citizens All of the Time

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves “Authority and Power Shifting Away from Humans to Computers and Creating a New Class of Humans, the USELESS Class.”

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Changing the Legal System – “The Idea That We Punish People for Making Bad Choices That Should Be Out.”

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Banning the Consumption of Meat

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Removing the Body of Christ from Earth

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Creating a One-World Government / Global Health Care System – “Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Creation of a Global Health Care System.”

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Ending Christianity and the Belief In Jesus

The COVID-19 Great Reset Involves Ending All Privacy | “Most People Will Be Willing to Give Up Their Privacy for Better Health Care. Allowing Google, Facebook or the Chinese Government to Constantly Monitor What Is Happening Inside the Human Body.”

The COVID-19 Timeline Explained by Dr. Steven Hatfill

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